Cursed Love (Broderick Coven Book 1) Read online

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  They’d knocked a few times, but she didn’t answer. Fearing a neighbor would call the police, he shielded himself and Peter and used a spell to get inside. When they entered her apartment, they heard a whimper. Ryan ran to her bedroom and found her on the bed, drenched in sweat and passed out. His heart clenched in his chest. It was then he knew he could not fight the insane connection between them. Losing her to whatever was happening was not an option either.

  Every fantasy of her went out the window as he’d stripped her naked for a cold bath. He could not recall any detail of her body. Her cries ripped a hole in the fabric of his being. All logic went out the window as he ran on instinct.

  The instinct to protect what was his.

  Peter pushed to his feet and began pacing the space. “I don’t know what it is about her, but you weren’t kidding. A lot of bad shit is circling this area.”

  Ryan did not bother answering him. He had already noticed it and planned on figuring out what it was about Brandy. Needing a distraction, he looked at his phone and his brows creased when he found a missed call and voicemail from her. The time of the call was after his internal alarms had gone off, but the voicemail did not give him any more information.

  After five long minutes passed, he pushed to his feet and left Peter to go check on his girl.

  His girl.

  She was his, and he was hers. No doubt about it. Now he needed to take care of her.


  Brandy was not sure how long she had been out this time. When Ryan lifted her from the tub, she opened her eyes a sliver, but the darkness pulled her under once again.

  She tried remembering what had happened, but only snippets got through her muddy memories. She pushed out her mind, like a tendril rolling through the air, and found Ryan in her living room. She was not sure what had changed, but deep within her, she sensed where he was. He was a stranger to her, a comforting, sexy stranger who seemed to save her any time she found herself in danger.

  Any time but the near attack from the werewolf who’d tried to corner her.

  Brandy sucked in another breath, hoping more memories would filter through the fog. The faint scent of earth hit her senses, and her eyes opened immediately. They did not weigh a ton of bricks anymore, and the blazing heat covering her skin was now down to a toasty warm.

  Looking down her body, she noted a thin sheet covering her. She lifted it and saw her naked state. Her gaze moved around the room, and when she did not spot a werewolf lurking in any corner, she forced her breathing to slow down.

  “Thank the goddess you’re okay,” Ryan said from the doorway, relief etched into his face.

  A blush covered her cheeks when she remembered he was the one to undress her. “Hi,” she whispered.

  Brandy ignored the pucker of her nipples as they pressed against the cool sheet, and she took a calming breath.


  Her eyes widened and flicked to look behind him. She heard light footsteps before a man spoke.

  “Rye, she can smell me.”

  Brandy grabbed the sheet to her chest and sat up. Her body felt strange as a tingle ran through it, and it warmed again. It still wasn’t quite as hot as it had been before she passed out God only knew how long ago.

  “Ryan?” It was all she could manage. Her throat was still ravaged from the fever.

  “It’s okay. Peter’s a friend,” Ryan told her calmly.

  “H… were…”

  “Yes. He’s a werewolf. He’s—” Ryan stopped and stared at her. “Brandy?”

  She looked down and was surprised to find a ball of fire in the palm of her hand. Her skin was cool rather than scorched where the fire touched her. “Ryan?” she whimpered, hearing the fear in her voice.

  “That’s my cue to go back into the living room,” Peter said, taking the smell of earth with him.

  “Sweetheart, look at me,” Ryan commanded, and she met his eyes. “Good, take a deep breath and ignore Peter. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  She could see the truth in his eyes. He took care of her, and deep inside she could feel it. There was an invisible thread connecting them. He was a little different this time than the last few times she’d seen him. She ignored the smell of dirt and focused on calming down.

  Looking at her hand, she watched the fireball shrink until it was no more. She did not know what the hell was going on with her. First she’d received powers, then was attacked, and now she was turning into the Human Torch.

  She locked eyes with him, and his image blurred as her tears came. Ryan walked the short distance to her and sat on the edge of her bed.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she asked.

  He pulled her into his arms and tucked the sheet around her. “Shh… You’re okay. We’ll figure this out.” He pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead.

  The door opened, and she stiffened at the smell of Peter. Brandy buried her face against Ryan’s chest, forcing herself to ignore his friend and soak in the comfort of his arms. When her hands warmed like they had prior to the fireball, she focused on Ryan’s scent, a mix of detergent and man.

  “What, man?” Ryan snapped at Peter.

  “Her throat is raw. This will help,” Peter told him.

  Brandy held onto Ryan, doing everything to ignore the smell of dirt and the memories from her last attack. The door quietly shut, and she kept her face pressed against his firm chest. Her heart slowed before her body recognized him for the attractive man he was.

  “Sweetheart, drink the tea Peter made you.” His thumb caressed the apple of her cheek.

  His words made her pause. Brandy met his eyes and found tenderness shining back. “Why?”

  “It will soothe your throat,” he told her.

  “No,” she whispered before coughing through the scratchiness. “Why are you here?”

  “Drink this and I’ll tell you,” he said, lifting the mug Peter had placed on the nightstand.

  She nodded and accepted the tea. He carefully lifted her and moved to her oversized chair. He adjusted her in his arms, careful to not jostle her and the tea, all the while keeping her body covered. He made her feel cherished and cared for. She struggled to understand the feelings chipping away at the wall around her heart.

  “Don’t get mad,” he said, and she stopped the tea a breath away from her lips. “Drink.”

  Brandy sipped from the liquid, letting it coat her throat. She stared at the amber tea, wondering what the werewolf had put in it.

  Ryan chuckled. “Peter’s got his own little tricks he will tell you about if you give him a chance.”

  “You’re friends with a werewolf,” she told him, the one sip of tea soothing her throat so much her voice sounded more like her own.

  “I am. Now drink the tea.”

  She glared at him and took another sip.

  “I’ll explain Peter in a bit, but you wanted to know why I am here,” Ryan said.

  She nodded, biting her tongue so she would not interrupt him again.

  “I tried staying away from you, but I couldn’t. I’ve been around most of the time, making sure you were okay at work and you arrived home safely.”


  “I don’t know if I can explain it. I’ve spent most of my life steering clear of witches, refusing to curse a child—”

  “Curse a child?”

  “Do you always interrupt this much?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Her cheeks flushed and when she went silent, he continued. “Oh, now she remains quiet.” He chuckled and brushed his lips against her hair. “I haven’t always accepted my powers. It didn’t matter I grew up with them and have always known about this world. I had no intention of making a kid and them receiving powers too.”

  Brandy nodded and wondered if he still felt the same. She wanted kids. At least she had before learning the world was far more dangerous. Now, she was not quite sure. If she did still want them and if something grew out of this attraction with Ryan, would it
be a deal-breaker?

  “Anyway, I was keeping close tabs on you when I forced myself to back off after a few days of nothing. Even the tubars stopped coming around your café. I was with Peter when I knew something was wrong. What happened before I got to you? That’s what I don’t know. I was already trying to find you when I missed your call.”

  Brandy looked toward the door and back at Ryan. “A werewolf attacked me.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he murmured under his breath. “Tell me what happened.”

  She recounted the events of the night, noting the way Ryan’s jaw clenched at the mention of Greg. She told him everything up until her waking up a few minutes ago, including the fact she heard him and Peter talking while she had been paralyzed by the fever.

  “No wonder you think I’m the devil,” Peter said from the door, startling her.

  Brandy tensed in Ryan’s arms. “I don’t know you.”

  “How’s your throat?” Peter asked as he leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his broad chest. He was huge, and his presence alone dwarfed her apartment.

  She swallowed and noticed her throat was back to normal. If anything, it felt better than before.

  “Exactly. If I did anything to hurt a hair on your head, not that I would, lover boy here would ignore our lifelong friendship and kill me,” Peter stated with a shrug.

  Brandy looked from the sincerity in Peter’s eyes to Ryan, who avoided hers. “You’ve been lifelong friends?” she asked Peter.

  “Yup. I’ve known witchy boy since I was a pup.”

  “I thought all werewolves were bad?”

  “No. There are two factions of werewolves. My kind lives among humans with little trouble. The others… Let’s just say they’re like wild animals. They’re dangerous. I’m not sure how you survived the attack. I will tell you—both—that were has Brandy’s scent. He’s not going to back down. Now I understand why Ryan was nearly crawling out of his skin with the need to get to you before your call. Not that I blame him after getting one look at you,” he said with a charming smile.

  “Back off,” Ryan said, warning his friend.

  Brandy looked between them, trying to process Peter’s words.

  “If you don’t do anything about it, I will, bro,” Peter said with a shrug before heading out of her room and closing the door.

  “What is he talking about?” she asked.

  “Forget him… I’m so sorry I wasn’t there,” Ryan said, his thumb on her thigh drawing circles over the sheet.

  Brandy studied him a moment, but before she could ask why he should have been there, he spoke again.

  “You scared the shit out of me,” he whispered.

  She froze when his face drew closer, his eyes on her lips. Moving slowly, Ryan gave her time to stop him. Blood rushed through her ears, and when his soft lips brushed hers, she shuddered. The featherlight caress was electric and powerful. Angling his head, he swiped the seam of her mouth with his warm tongue. She parted her lips, needing to know his taste.

  Her head swam as their tongues tangled in a sexy dance. The kiss was sweet and arousing, awakening something from within her. A flame deep inside her flickered for this man, a welcoming of sorts. She missed him even though she barely knew him.

  Brandy skimmed her fingers along his chest and up around his neck. Her breasts rose with each breath she took, and the sheet began slipping down her skin. He caressed her thigh, his hand exploring over the sheet and up to her waist. Needing to close the distance between them, she pulled herself against him. The kiss heated with each swipe of their tongues and touch of skin.

  He sucked in her lower lip, and her nipples puckered. “Ryan,” she moaned.

  He peppered kisses along her jaw to her neck. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” Reaching the spot where her neck and shoulder met, he nibbled on the sensitized skin. Little bolts of electricity ran down her body and her core clenched, wanting more of his sweet assault.

  Brandy had never experienced such a strong reaction from a kiss. The powerful attraction between them ran deep, and their kiss only confirmed it.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “This isn’t why you brought me along, dipshit!” Peter called through the door.

  Brandy sucked in her lower lip, frustrated at being interrupted and embarrassed that she never considered stopping them.

  His thumb released her lip before he kissed her softly one last time, their passion from earlier reigned in. Pressing his forehead to hers, he asked, “You all right?”

  Not trusting her voice, she murmured, “Mhmm.”

  Ryan helped her off his lap before pushing to his feet and adjusting the sheet around her in a sweet manner. “Go ahead and get dressed. I’ll be in the living room waiting.” He cupped her cheek and pressed his mouth again to hers, this kiss short and sweet.

  Her knees shook as he stepped around her. Pressing her fingertips to her lips, she tracked him as he made his way to the door, all the while admiring his firm-looking, jean-clad ass.

  The door closed behind him, and she sighed. “Wow.”

  Chapter 12

  “I don’t think she’s going to like this plan,” Peter told him, then shrugged. “Just saying.”

  “What else am I supposed to do?” Ryan asked, upset for caring and pissed off someone was coming after her. His emotions were all over the place.

  “She’s feisty… I like it.”

  He did not like the appreciative gleam in his friend’s eyes. The energy around Ryan sizzled as he stared his friend down. “Wipe that look off your face because she’s fucking mine!”

  “Calm your tits,” Peter said as his eyes glowed. “I’m merely pointing out that if you don’t claim her, I will.”

  Ryan laughed dryly. “Like you could do anything.”

  “Low blow, asshole.” Peter crossed his arms and pouted over his circumstances.

  “Will you help us?” he asked.

  Peter leaned forward and gave him a serious look. “Brother, she’s been yours even before you accepted it. You’re family, and we protect what is ours. Brandy’s been in the fold long before I met her. You don’t have to ask me. I’m ready to hunt these fuckers down.”

  Ryan pounded Peter on the back as he nodded. No one understood their bond, and they’d stopped questioning it long ago. If Peter needed him, he would drop everything to stand by his side. They were indeed family. It did not matter their blood came from opposite sides of the tracks. Their bond ran deeper than the life-giving liquid.

  “How long does it take her to get ready?” Peter chuckled, lightening the mood.

  “Shut your mouth. I think once we tell her the plan, she’s going to light both our asses on fire,” Ryan muttered.

  “Don’t give me a reason to do it,” Brandy told them from the door.

  He missed the sound of the door opening, but from the grin on Peter’s face, the bastard must have heard her approach.

  Peter’s cell rang and he peered down at the screen. “Gotta take this,” he muttered, eyebrows slashed together as he pushed to his feet.

  Ryan ignored his friend’s low words, then diverted his attention back to Brandy. She had slipped into a tight pair of jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. Her long hair was pulled into a ponytail away from her makeup-free face. Everything around them paused as Ryan took in her beauty. He had been fighting his attraction to her for far too long.

  Her chocolate-colored eyes watched them carefully. A variety of emotions crossed their rich depths, but she shoved her shoulders back, ready for a fight.

  Ryan stood and reached her in three long strides. He pulled her into his body with one arm wrapped around her waist and cupped her face with the other. Her eyes softened as she studied his, and he wondered what she saw in them.

  Her full lips parted with a sigh, and unable to stop himself, he captured them. Her hands linked behind his neck as she pushed onto her toes. Running his tongue along hers, he moaned at her sweet taste. His head tilted, deepening their k
iss at her small whimper of need.

  “Ahem…” Peter said, but Ryan ignored him as Brandy kissed him harder.

  Everything disappeared as he fell deeper into their kiss and the touch of her fingers on his neck. He easily dwarfed her with his size, but her spirit was large. His fingers dipped under her shirt, finding the smooth skin at her waist. Cold water hit his warmed skin at the same time she gasped.

  “Oh, hey! Welcome back, you two,” he said, an empty glass in hand.

  “What the fuck, Peter!” Ryan snapped, wiping his face clear of the water.

  “We have things to discuss. You two can get freaky later,” Peter told them and returned to the couch.

  Brandy stared daggers as she dried her face on shirt sleeve. He dipped his head and placed a too-short-for-his-liking kiss on her soft lips. “You’ll have to excuse the grumpy werewolf. He needs to get laid.”

  Peter’s body trembled with a low growl.

  Ryan grabbed her hand, led her to the couch, and sat before pulling her onto his lap. Her cheeks deepened in color, likely at their intimate position in front of his friend. He shot Peter a glare for making her uncomfortable.

  Peter’s face softened. “Hey, no reason to be embarrassed. Now, can we talk? We have some important things to discuss.”

  Brandy looked from one to the other and nodded. “What’s happening to me?”

  Rubbing her back, Ryan sighed. “We know you just got your powers. It seems you got a new one today.”

  “The fire?” she whispered.

  He nodded. “Other than that, I’m not sure what’s going on. What we do know is you’re being watched and tracked. You’ve been attacked by a tubar and now a werewolf.”

  “What do you mean I’m being tracked?” she asked as a shiver ran through her body.

  “I told you there’s been an increase of activity around here—”

  Peter sat forward and huffed in annoyance. “Look, Ryan’s been watching you daily for a while now. He’s spotted a slew of demons in this area.”

  Brandy’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened to rip into Ryan. Peter laid a beefy hand over her knee. “If not for his stalking, you might not be here today. Around this building alone, I can tell you I’ve smelled eight different werewolves—including one you don’t ever want to come across—and four other creatures which will make your blood run cold. This doesn’t include the tubars we passed getting to you.” Peter stood and paced the small area. “Be mad at him. Why not? I usually am. But do not ignore what we’re telling you. Something bigger is going on, and those things,” he said, pointing toward the window with his thumb. “They want you, and you’re a sitting duck until you can get your powers under control.”