Cursed Love (Broderick Coven Book 1) Page 18
With practiced ease, she hid the book and slipped it under the bed before rolling over. Ryan approached, his scent mixed with earth and flesh making her stomach clench.
She sat up. “What happened?” Taking him in, she searched for any sign of the enemy.
Ryan lay down and pulled her back to his front. A small groan escaped his lips at the effort. She gave him a moment to gather his thoughts, her nerves churning at the expression she’d seen on his face.
“Mmm… you’re right where you belong,” he murmured against the shell of her ear.
She bit back the sigh his words inspired. Pressing her thighs together, she pushed aside her wanton desires. It seemed his mere presence made her want to forget everything and jump him.
“Tell me…” she said, urging him as his hand caressed her stomach where their child grew. She gave herself a mental shake and set those thoughts aside, unable to process them when Ryan’s eyes held a hard glint.
He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck before sighing in defeat. “We never made it to Serena’s. We got ambushed by two tubars and a lycan.”
Brandy gasped and turned in his arms, needing to get a better look at him. “Are you okay? Ethan?” She ran her fingers along his face, memorizing it and checking him for any visible injuries.
He leaned forward and captured her lips, a kiss meant to comfort her. “We’re fine. A little bruised and a lot exhausted,” he told her and ran his nose along hers.
Exhaling, she forced her body to relax. Ryan pulled her leg over his thigh, bringing them closer. A mix of desire and relief clouded his eyes, and she knew she would find the same in her own.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed against him and took his mouth in a searing kiss. Their tongues tangled in a sensual dance, a show of love not yet confessed.
Ryan rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Her hips rested on his, nestling his hard length against her thin leggings. He caressed and kneaded her ass, simultaneously rocking her along his erection.
“You’ve got the best ass.” He groaned against her lips, drawing a smile from her.
It did not matter that they could count on one hand the amount of times they had come together. Or how little time they had known each other. This man called to her like no other had. He left her dizzy with need, her body yearning for more of him.
His presence was like coming home. It terrified her. She was too young to be pregnant or to even contemplate being married at twenty-one. Would they make it through all the ups and downs? Could she imagine not having him in her life now that he was in it? Would they make good parents to the beautiful life forming inside her?
Tears prickled at the back of her closed eyes as all the questions hit her hard. Taking a shuddering breath, she forced her mind free of the thoughts and focused instead on the man who lit her up from the inside out.
“Mmm…” Brandy moaned, and her legs tightened around him. “Too many clothes,” she said and tugged at the material separating them.
His lips turned up in a sexy little smirk. Ryan reached between his shoulder blades and pulled the material off as she fumbled with the button to his jeans.
Her fingers grazed his stomach, right along the trail of hairs leading to her prize. He was beautiful. Even the faint scar marring the skin at his ribs could not make him less attractive. She made a mental note to ask him about it another time.
Ryan scrambled off the bed and discarded what was left of his clothes. All the breath whooshed out of her when she met his darkened eyes. They were filled with need and promises of more… for her… for them.
“Now who’s wearing too many clothes?” he teased, throwing back her words.
Brandy bit her lip under his stare, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Her pretty mouth begged to be kissed. Instead, he made quick work of removing the rest of her clothes and stood back, taking in every glorious inch he’d exposed.
She was gorgeous… in or out of clothes.
Climbing back on the bed, he took his time worshipping her body. He kissed each foot and behind each knee before he teased her with a chaste kiss to her soft mound. When his eyes landed on her stomach, a tremble of emotion ran down his body.
He kissed below her belly button and laid his head on her soft stomach. She wove her fingers through his hair as he took a moment to love their child.
So much had happened since he saw Brandy for the first time. In the last few hours alone, everything had been turned upside down. His old self would have been pissed and unaccepting over the monumental change. He had told himself many times having children was not his path and then she walked into his life, changing everything.
Ryan kissed her belly again and laid his chin on her as he met her eyes. He found them filled with unshed tears. They had a fear, uncertainty, and a softness that he knew was love beaming at him. The pregnancy had also shaken her.
He kissed her palm and pressed it against his jaw. A tear escaped, leaving a trail down her cheek. Rising over her, he placed his weight on one elbow and wiped her face dry.
“Happy, sad, or scared?” he whispered and gave her time to answer as she chewed on her lip, thinking hard before speaking.
“Everything? You make me happy. I’m sad we won’t have time to ourselves, to get to know each other better. I’m scared everything is moving fast, that people are coming after me, and we won’t be able to stop the curse.”
Ryan nodded. “You make me happy too. I won’t let anyone hurt the two of you,” he promised and cupped her stomach. “We’ll figure out the rest soon.” Slowly and with as much love as he could put into it, he kissed her. Needing to show her what he felt, he made love to Brandy and took his time as the raging need from moments ago transformed into something deeper.
Each kiss, touch, and thrust was meant to burn him into her being. They became one, slowly rising together with their expression of love. He worked her body over until she broke apart in his arms. Only then did he push deeper and harder until his own climax shattered him. It was by far the most powerful orgasm he had experienced.
Once Ryan caught his breath, he kissed along her neck and lifted his head so he could look into her eyes. Her bright satisfied smile contrasted with her damp eyes and the tears slipping into her hairline.
He cupped her face, worrying he had been too rough. “You okay?”
She squeezed around him in a full body hug. “Yeah… You?”
Pushing back, he smiled. “I have the woman I love in my arms. I feel great.”
Her face froze and scrunched as she processed his words. Ryan grinned as he watched her go from confused to excited.
“Woman you love?”
“I’m in love with you, Brandy.”
Her fingers curled into him as she pulled him closer. They shared a deep, passionate kiss. When she nipped his lower lip, he smiled against hers.
“I love you too,” she whispered, and his chest swelled with the intensity of her words. “If you hurt me, I’ll find a tubar who would take great pleasure in filleting your ass.”
Ryan’s eyes widened as he noted the serious expression on her face. “I… I have no doubt you’d do that or worse.” He never knew what he would get with the feisty little witch. It was one of the many things he loved about her. “Be right back,” he muttered before returning with a towel.
After taking great care of cleaning her up, he tossed the towel with the laundry and slid in bed. He pulled her sleepy form against him, and a wave of peace settled in his chest as she snuggled into his body. “Brandy?”
“Mmm…” she muttered on the brink of sleep.
“I’d do anything for you and our baby. I honestly never believed I deserved someone, especially not like you. You can do so much better—”
Chapter 28
His words had seeped into her dreams, wrapping around her, cocooning her, and raising her on a blissful cloud. Ryan loved her… No, he loved them. Instinctively, her hand pressed on her flat stomach.
> Love.
She thought she had found it with Greg, but she now understood what they had was not love. At least, she had not been in love with him.
The way her heart sighed at the thought or sight of Ryan was unlike anything else. He could calm her with only his presence, and the sex was off the charts. She also did not fear standing up to him or upsetting him. Somewhere deep inside, she knew he accepted her—all of her, even the illogical, impulsive woman her brothers loved. She never felt the urge to hide any part of herself from Ryan.
Now, if they could solve the million other problems haunting them, they could build something more together.
Rolling over, she found the bed empty and cold. Listening carefully, she could not hear the men in the other room. She tossed aside the covers, eager to find him. Their clothes from the night before had been tossed in the pile of dirty laundry, reminding her she needed to make use of Peter’s washer and dryer.
Brandy grabbed her last pair of clean jeans, a frown forming when she realized the electric buzz in her mind was muted. She had never noticed the buzz until that moment, when it was gone. She pulled the cups over her breasts and clasped her bra, her mind reaching out, searching for any sign of Ryan.
“Rye? Honey? Where are you?” she called, blood rushing in her ears as a numbing sensation slithered down her arms.
“Rye? Answer me, damn it!” she snapped.
Grabbing a shirt off the top of her bag, she rushed to the door. She pulled it over her head as she stepped out, not caring who could possibly be around. “Ryan?” she shouted into the condo.
She tugged the hem to her hips as Peter turned toward her with his phone to his ear. His eyes narrowed on her, and she could only imagine the panic he found. Her heart raced, a dizzying feeling as a rush of anxiety struck her in the gut.
Peter took two long strides toward her and cupped her elbow. “What’s wrong?” he demanded.
“I… I… Where is Ryan?” she whispered and placed a hand to her head.
Peter looked in the direction she came from. “I thought he was with you.”
She shook her head slowly. “N-no,” she stammered.
Peter guided her to the couch, his call all but forgotten as he helped her sit. “Take a breath, babycakes.”
Brandy forced her eyes to meet Peter’s. His gaze was steady and filled with worry. A shimmer of his own werewolf magic flowed over his skin. “He’s not answering me,” she said, her voice unsteady.
Peter nodded in understanding. “When did you see him last?”
“Last night before falling asleep. He came back and said he and E never made it to Serena’s. Oh God, E!” Brandy pushed to stand, but Peter gave her a gentle shove down. “I have to get my phone!”
Peter shook his head. “Call out to Ryan first.”
“I did! He’s not answering! Aren’t you listening to a damn word I’ve said?” she shouted.
“Try again,” he demanded, his voice hard but soft.
Brandy closed her eyes. “You don’t understand. I… I don’t even feel him in my head. It’s so fucking quiet.” She met his eyes, and tears spilled down her cheeks. Lifting her hand for emphasis, she told him, “There used to be this buzz or hum or something. I can’t explain it, and now it’s so damn quiet.”
Peter grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Babycakes, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Humor me.”
She searched his face before releasing a frustrated breath. Sucking in a burst of air, she let her lids close.
“Good, take another. Imagine you’re in a large room and search each corner for Rye. He’s in there. Find him.”
Brandy opened her eyes and raised her free hand to her mouth. “What if he’s—”
“No! There isn’t a chance in hell that man would leave you or my godbaby. He’s there. He’s probably unconscious. Find him.”
Her brows raised. “Your godbaby?”
Peter’s lips quirked up. “Fuck yeah!”
“Not if you’re going to have a potty mouth!”
Peter chuckled. “Yeah, we’ll work on that. Now, focus on Rye, and I’ll call Ethan for you.”
She watched him push to his feet, the muscles in his body tense as he raised the phone to his ear once again.
“You catch all that? Yeah, let the pack know. I’ll keep you posted on what she finds.”
Brandy’s body hummed, her magic and emotions colliding as anxiety built within her. She shut her eyes as Peter turned toward her again, and the faint sound of a phone dialing reached her ears. Sucking in a breath, she shoved Peter and Ethan out of her mind, as she told herself she was not alone.
“Rye? Honey? Where are you? Wake up! What’s wrong? Where did you go? Damn it, Rye!” She called, exuding her power to try to shake their bond like a limb that had fallen asleep.
She dropped her head to the back of the couch, more tears brimming along her lids when he did not respond. Shaking her head, she reminded herself Ryan would not give up on her. She refused to do it to him. “What would Rye do?” she whispered.
Peter glanced her way and smirked. “He’d move heaven and hell.”
“Damn were hearing,” she muttered.
Nodding at him, she leaned forward and closed her eyes. Ryan had found her by tracking her magic. If he was not responding to her, trying to track his magic was her next best bet.
She shut everything out, then sensed Peter in the corner of the room, the smell of earth and werewolf power swirling around him. She caught a trace of him over her shoulder, coming from the bedroom.
Moving her head to the sides, she cracked her neck and released another cleansing breath. She raised her hands toward the faint trace he’d left behind and pushed out her own magic. Using the memory of the fireworks their love had created, she muttered a string of words under her breath.
His face came to mind, watching her sleep before he stepped out of the room. She dug deeper and followed the tether of magic as he slipped from the condo and down the hall to the elevator. His image faded the farther she followed his trail.
Peter gasped. “Holy shit.”
Brandy’s eyes snapped open and met his, the connection to Ryan fading just as quickly. Awe filled Peter’s features as frustration consumed hers. “What the hell?”
Peter’s attention moved from her. “Your sister’s fucking brilliant.”
Her brows pinched together. “What? Why? I haven’t found Rye. I haven’t found shit.”
He cocked his head at her. “You haven’t?” he asked incredulously and nodded to the side.
She followed his gaze and stilled. “What’s that?” she asked, disbelieving she could have created it.
Faint strings of light flowed through the air. Dazzling sparks intertwined and shimmered. It moved in soft waves, begging to be touched. She raised her hand to do just that, and her fingertips brushed the nearest strands.
She gasped and pulled back as an image came to mind, of Ryan over her as they made love the night before.
“What is it, babycakes?” Peter asked, moving to her side.
“I-I don’t know. Touching it brought back a memory from last night.” Her brows creased as she tore her gaze from the shimmering strands. “Touch it. What do you see?”
Peter nodded and reached out. His usually strong, sure hands trembled before he took one string between his thumb and index finger. “I can feel it, but I’m not getting any images,” he said after a moment.
“You can’t?”
Peter shook his head, but before he could lower his hand, she reached out and touched both Peter and the shimmering colors. Her mouth popped open at the vision of Ryan creeping past Peter’s sleeping form and saying, “I know you’ll keep them safe.”
Brandy pulled back and wrapped her arms around her middle. A cold shiver ran down her spine. “What the hell, Rye?” she muttered to herself.
“What? Did you see something?”
Studying Ryan’s faint threads of magic, she nodded her head before peering up at Peter.
“I saw him sneaking past you. He said…”
“You saw him? Like a vision or something? What did he say?”
Brandy looked away and stared into the distance. “I don’t think it was a vision… More like an imprint maybe? He said he knew you’d keep us safe.”
Peter rubbed the back of his neck, a growl vibrating through his chest. “What have you done, Ryan?”
Before either could speak more on the matter, Ethan’s voice came through the phone, angry, worried, and annoyed. Her eyes met Peter’s as he raised the phone to his ear. Peter pulled her into his side, and she slumped into his comforting embrace.
If she had thought her life was complicated before, Ryan’s disappearing act proved otherwise. Frustrated and fearful tears spilled down her cheeks. A thousand questions swirled through her mind. Where had he gone? Why hadn’t he told them? Was he—No, she couldn’t think that again.
“I don’t know what she did, but we can see remnants of his magic. I don’t know how to explain it, but she touched it and me and saw something. Oh yeah, that would be great. See if she knows if this has to do with Rye’s magic or their bond.”
Brandy’s brows drew together. “See if who knows?”
Peter glanced down. “Ethan just made it to Serena’s.”
Remembering what Ryan had told her the night before, her stomach dropped with fear. “Is he okay? Ryan said they’d been attacked on the way over last night.”
She listened as Peter spoke to her brother, his body stilling against hers. She had not needed another brother in her life, yet Peter had filled the role. He was another overprotective goofball who refused to leave her side. Her lips tipped at the realization.
When she had first met him, she was confused about Peter and Ryan’s friendship. After all, Ryan warned her to be cautious around werewolves, and there he was vouching for one. It did not take long to see why Peter was the exception.
“He says he’s fine and to quit worrying,” Peter said, breaking into her thoughts.